Sunday, August 1, 2010

Breast Milk to Formula

I have been trying for the longest time to get my baby to take formula but she wasn't going to have it. She is now 10 months old and I'm having the hardest time getting the baby weight OFF. It has been the most frustrating thing ever. I was determined to get her to drink formula so I could start to address this extra weight issue. 
I began asking everyone I could think of, what to do, and what they have done. Finally, I was talking to my sister and she said she was having the same problem with her little boy. She said, what she did was got the purple TARGET brand formula and mixed a little bit of her breast milk with it to get him use to it. I thought, ok I will give it a try. I bought a can but didn't know what to do about the breast milk because I don't have a pump. Then I thought why don't I mix a little bit of the Gerber baby juice to sweeten it up a little. Well...she LOVED it. At that moment I almost felt FREE. Knowing that if needed she could have someone other then me feed her. After sweetening it up for 2 or 3 days she now will taking it without anything added.

So... tip is try purple Target brand up and up formula if your baby is having a hard time switching over from breast milk to formula. Either add breast milk or some kind of juice to sweeten it up for the first few times. GOOD LUCK and hope this helps someone in need.  


  1. We all know that my baby doesn't have a problem with formula but I am so happy for you!! And I am so glad I have a friend like you that has ALL the answers! You are such a great mom!! Good luck with the weight...I had lost a bunch but now it's slowly coming's so FRUSTRATING!! But I am also too lazy to do much about it.

  2. I am sooooo depressed about the weight issue. It SUCKS! Let me know what works for you!

    As for the formula thing, mixing something in sounds like a great plan. Melia struggled for a while but she takes it fine now. We mix mixed cereal in with it and give her one bottle a day (each night before bed--that way she sleeps through the night).

    I'm assuming the mixing something in trick would work with any formula. I've never bought any I just use what I have on hand from free samples--so mostly just Similac and Enfamil and I like Enfamil a lot better but they're both ok. Is the Up and Up cheaper?

    My sister said that Dr. Doug (Emily's dad) told her she can start her kids on whole (4%) milk at 9 months! I haven't talked to my doctor about it but I am thinking that as soon as I am out of all these samples I'll just start her on cow's milk cause I'm pretty sure it's a lot cheaper.

  3. If I find something that works with weight issue, I will defiantly be passing on the info.

    The Up and Up is like $15 for a 24 oz can. I think that is a little cheaper. I haven't really priced the others out because that is the one my sister told me would work.

    That is very interesting that Dr. Doug says it is ok to start cows milk. That would be nice to be able to start cows milk, because of the cost. I have actually thought of calling to see if he is excepting new patients. I don't really like my Dr.

  4. I am pretty sure Doug does not accept new patients, but my sisters get into him because we were neighbors. I bet he'd take you too. Tell them you're Em's friend or ask Emily. If I lived in Bountiful I'd definitely go to him. He's a character, but I think he knows his stuff.
