With Aden + Anais, you're in good company too--or at least rich and generally good looking company! :) Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Patrick Dempsey, Naomi Watts, Gwen Stefani, Jason Priestley, Minnie Driver, Jessica Alba and Isla Fisher are all big fans of Aden + Anais cozy swaddle blankets too (to name a few). Once you see one for yourself, you will understand why these celeb parents have made Aden + Anais muslin wraps a staple accessory!
Swaddling seriously is essential to getting your baby to sleep through the night. These swaddling blankets make that a lot easier. They are big, enabling you to swaddle your baby tightly and easily. This also enables the blanket to grow with your baby. When you have a tiny newborn, you can fold the blanket in half in a full triangle. As they grow you can expand it into more of a diamond shape. It is truly the most wonderful swaddling blanket. They come in a great variety of cute colors and designs too. I think my favorite might be the giraffes. :) These swaddling blankets are probably my #1 baby necessity that I would not be without.
$$ Saving TIP for Aden + Anais: These blankets are a bit expensive, but I truly think they're worth it. To purchase a 4 pack it is around $40.00. To make it a little cheaper, break them up. Share with friends or give away for showers. I'd recommend having two, so that if one is dirty the other one can be used; but even one would be enough! Also, Target sells Aden + Anais for a reduced price. They are a little different than their usual blankets, but still do the trick. They're a couple of inches smaller, but are still great. Target used to sell them in their stores, but they may only be available online these days. These reduced price blankets are available only at Target.
(My opinion and what I know about swaddling...)Why is swaddling so great? Your baby just came out of an itty bitty space where he or she was snug and warm and could hardly move at all. Being swaddled makes them feel more like they are back in that comfortable space that they loved. I hear all the time, "But my baby doesn't like being swaddled" or "But my baby doesn't like to have her arms swaddled down." As far as newborns go, I don't think this is true in any situation. (But that's just my opinion.) Yes, I think that 99% of babies will fight the swaddle, especially the arms. However, I also think they'll all sleep better and be more comfortable if you just SWADDLE THEM ANYWAY, arms and all. Just do it, I tell you, JUST DO IT! :)
How to swaddle?
These are the instructions included with the Aden + Anais swaddlers. These instructions are pretty much what I follow, however I have learned a few other tricks that I prefer to do. First of all when I wrap the first side (left point under right side of body), I do not swaddle the arm down. I think that tucking the blanket under the armpit and then under the body with the arm over the top helps it to stay tight. The bottom then is folded up and tucked under the body on the side that you have not yet wrapped (under the right side of the body). The second side then wraps over both arms and holds them both down tight (right point under the left side of the body) and tucked securely under the whole body. The wrap does not cover the shoulders--this was one of my biggest confusions with swaddling at first. The shoulders lie square with the blanket and the blanket wraps around the side of the shoulders and arms, not over the top of the shoulders at all.
When to swaddle? Swaddling always helps baby to sleep better. However, if you really want your baby to get used to sleeping through the night, it is best NOT to swaddle baby at nap time. Bedtime needs to be very different from nap time. At nap time we don't darken the room or hush the house, we also shouldn't swaddle. That way baby learns there is a difference between nap time and bedtime and they learn that bedtime is the time to relax and sleep for a long time.
When to stop swaddling? I don't know! I'll let you know when I get there. :) But here are my thoughts...I plan to swaddle my baby to a year (at least) although I am not certain if it is still completely necessary. My baby usually pulls her arms out of her swaddle pretty quickly, especially if she isn't completely ready to fall asleep immediately. Sometimes she is completely unswaddled when I go in to get her in the morning. I am sure she'd be fine if I just swaddled her under her armpits instead of swaddling her arms down these days. I do think that swaddling the arms down is essential for newborns. This will greatly help simulate the womb much better than not. But as your little one adjusts to living in this not-so-comforting world, I think you as a parent can determine at what point your baby will sleep just as well without his or her arms swaddled down.
I am sure that sooner or later I will stop swaddling my baby, but for now, it is still working well for us! What I do know, is that even when we're done swaddling, she'll still be loving and snuggling with her Aden + Anais! :)