Sometimes parenting small children can be thoroughly exhausting, and sometimes we feel like everyone else is doing a great job and having the time of their lives, yet we are still struggling. You are NOT ALONE! Trust me, I am definitely right there with ya!
This article really made me smile. He describes is perfectly. And it's so true!! Enjoy!!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Cutting the Bottle Cold Turkey!
Well it's been a long time since anyone posted on here. I was beginning to think I'd just give up on it. But now that I am having another baby I really do want to remember all the important tips and tricks I've learned over the last 18 months with my daughter, and I still want everyone else's tips and tricks too.
So, today we're going to be talking about going from THIS:
The bottle thing is going a lot better than I had thought it would, although my daughter isn't really taking naps and I think maybe it's because of the lack of a comforting bottle before the nap. Who knows? She just saw me writing this post and noticed the picture of the bottle and is now throwing a tantrum because she wants a bottle. NOT her sippy. BUT, alas, it truly is going better than I thought it would and this is what we're doing:
I spoke with the doctor and she said I needed to do it cold turkey. I already tried the one-by-one type of thing and it just wasn't working. My daughter is 18 months old and I've heard you need to wean them from the bottle by 12 months, by 18 months and rarely I've heard you need to do it by 2 years. Most people say 18 months. When I spoke with the doctor she especially pressed the issue because I'll be having a baby in 3.5 months and my daughter needs to be well off the bottle so that she doesn't even desire it when she sees the baby with it. She'll know bottles are for babies. SO, here we go, cold turkey.
First, you must remove all the bottles from the house (or at least hide them). My daughter knew where the bottles were kept and would get them out or look for them so we had to completely do away with them. (They're now in a box in the basement until the baby is ready for them.)
My daughter called both bottles and sippy cups "bah-boe." So the next step was teaching her the word, "sippy." Whenever she now asks for a "bah-boe" I (in a very happy and excited voice say) "SIPPY?!" Sometimes she cries and says, "bah-boe" but usually she giggles and says "sippy!" Then when I hand it to her I get really excited an say, "Sippy!" My husband does this too and he says he thinks that our excitement makes a big difference in her desire for a sippy and not a bottle. It really is working.
The last step, and probably the most important one is this to ONLY put milk in her sippy cup. The doctor said to NEVER put anything else in the cup, not even water. This is not permanent, but it does mean that until your child is fully adjusted to the sippy, milk is the only thing she should be getting in the cup and since the sippy is the only thing she's drinking out of, milk will be the only thing she is drinking. That way she's forced to learn to drink milk from the sippy. Before this, my daughter would happily drink water or juice from the sippy but it was milk she wanted in her bottle. That is why doing ONLY MILK in the sippy for the transition is essential. Once your child is no longer asking for bottles and is happy with the sippy cup and drinking it well, then you shouldn't have to worry so much what is in the cup.
Anyway, it seems to be working. It is day 4. It's fun when she says, "SIPPY!" and gets really excited.
GOOD LUCK if you're ready to try! Just do it! :)
PS--And by the way, after reading the below post about cloth diapering and after much contemplation, my daughter is now a cloth diaper baby too! Thanks Darci for your words of advice and encouragement for those of us out there who just needed some convincing.
So, today we're going to be talking about going from THIS:
And at the suggestion of my doctor, we're doing it COLD TURKEY.The bottle thing is going a lot better than I had thought it would, although my daughter isn't really taking naps and I think maybe it's because of the lack of a comforting bottle before the nap. Who knows? She just saw me writing this post and noticed the picture of the bottle and is now throwing a tantrum because she wants a bottle. NOT her sippy. BUT, alas, it truly is going better than I thought it would and this is what we're doing:
I spoke with the doctor and she said I needed to do it cold turkey. I already tried the one-by-one type of thing and it just wasn't working. My daughter is 18 months old and I've heard you need to wean them from the bottle by 12 months, by 18 months and rarely I've heard you need to do it by 2 years. Most people say 18 months. When I spoke with the doctor she especially pressed the issue because I'll be having a baby in 3.5 months and my daughter needs to be well off the bottle so that she doesn't even desire it when she sees the baby with it. She'll know bottles are for babies. SO, here we go, cold turkey.
First, you must remove all the bottles from the house (or at least hide them). My daughter knew where the bottles were kept and would get them out or look for them so we had to completely do away with them. (They're now in a box in the basement until the baby is ready for them.)
My daughter called both bottles and sippy cups "bah-boe." So the next step was teaching her the word, "sippy." Whenever she now asks for a "bah-boe" I (in a very happy and excited voice say) "SIPPY?!" Sometimes she cries and says, "bah-boe" but usually she giggles and says "sippy!" Then when I hand it to her I get really excited an say, "Sippy!" My husband does this too and he says he thinks that our excitement makes a big difference in her desire for a sippy and not a bottle. It really is working.
The last step, and probably the most important one is this to ONLY put milk in her sippy cup. The doctor said to NEVER put anything else in the cup, not even water. This is not permanent, but it does mean that until your child is fully adjusted to the sippy, milk is the only thing she should be getting in the cup and since the sippy is the only thing she's drinking out of, milk will be the only thing she is drinking. That way she's forced to learn to drink milk from the sippy. Before this, my daughter would happily drink water or juice from the sippy but it was milk she wanted in her bottle. That is why doing ONLY MILK in the sippy for the transition is essential. Once your child is no longer asking for bottles and is happy with the sippy cup and drinking it well, then you shouldn't have to worry so much what is in the cup.
Anyway, it seems to be working. It is day 4. It's fun when she says, "SIPPY!" and gets really excited.
GOOD LUCK if you're ready to try! Just do it! :)
PS--And by the way, after reading the below post about cloth diapering and after much contemplation, my daughter is now a cloth diaper baby too! Thanks Darci for your words of advice and encouragement for those of us out there who just needed some convincing.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Cloth Diapers
So here is the story of my journey into cloth diaper land. It all started when I was talking to my best friend. Her sister-in-law uses cloth diapers (she has 4 kids and only cloth diapered the last 2 but wishes she would have done all 4). I had never even heard of people using cloth diapers these days.
These were the first thoughts going through my head:
1. Ew.
1. Ew.
2. Sick.
3. Gross.
4. Why???
You see folks. I used to nanny these 2 cute boys. They were sure fun but I have watched them since they were tiny tiny and I understand diapers. I understand the whole digestion process and that it leads to human waste...aka POOP. I have changed A LOT of diapers in my day so I didn't understand why in the world anyone would want to use cloth diapers...ever...
Then I started researching and couldn't stop. I became obsessed with the idea of cloth diapers and even became...dare I say...converted to the cloth diaper cause. I will post some links for those of you who are interested but here is the run down and the reasons as to why I became converted. Oh and my husband is on board with this idea. I converted him too :) If you ever want to use cloth diapers it is crucial that your husband be on board or else you will be changing a lot of diapers by yourself. Not fun.
Reasoning for my madness:
1. They cause less diaper rash. Sensitive skin runs in my family. Have you ever dealt with a baby who has diaper rash?? It is probably one of the saddest things I have ever seen. My nieces and nephews get it VERY bad. Nothing works for them. Not creams, not anything. The chemicals in disposable diapers cause this rash...there are no chemicals/gels/additives/etc. in cloth diapers. My husband wasn't converted with this fun fact.
2. Go green! I love my Mother Earth and I want to do my part in keeping her pretty, so this only adds to that. This wasn't the part that converted my husband either. Did you know you are actually supposed to clean out disposable diapers into the toilet before disposing of them? But no one does this.
3. Studies have shown that babies who are cloth diapered actually potty train faster. Why, you may ask? Well because they can actually feel when they are wet. There is a gel-like substance in disposables which prevents this. Now whether this is the case for our babies or not, I won't know until I try but I am all for having the odds in my favor. This didn't really convert my husband either. He wasn't quite ready to jump on the bandwagon yet.
4. They are CHEAP! Really they are. At first it may seem expensive, but I got my entire diaper stash for a little over $200...and this diaper stash will last me through MULTIPLE children. $200 for ALL of my diapers. My diapers are ones that grow with my babies so I don't have to buy new ones when my babies get bigger. I just adjust my diaper to fit my baby. Disposable diapers are expensive. I am cheap. My husband loves the idea of being cheap, and this is the main reason he jumped on my cloth diaper bandwagon with both feet firmly planted.
There you have it folks. Yes we are a cloth diaper family. Yes I understand that babies poop and pee and guess what, I am totally surviving and it is EASY. I am lazy. I promise. And I wouldn't do this if it weren't easy.
And they are cute. I mean look at our little peanut in her adorable cloth diaper:
And they are cute. I mean look at our little peanut in her adorable cloth diaper:
The one she is wearing in this picture is called a "Happy Heiny" and I went with these because they are actually mini Happy Heiny's which means they are more for newborns. They last from 4-16 lbs. You stuff these diapers with an insert and then strap them on. They have a velcro closure so they are super easy to use and so so so soft on the inside. They clean up awesome and I owe part of that to my yummy diaper detergent, Rockin' Green. I use the Lavender Mint Revival and it smells so yummy. I kind of want to bathe in it...yikes.
We will also be using the Flip system when Miss Mona decides to gain a few pounds. This system is awesome. It goes from 7-35 lbs. (I thought I would just go with this system only but when we found out that Mona Jean was going to be a little munchkin we decided to get some Happy Heinys and I am so glad we did!) We hope to use these until Mona decides to potty train. They come with the Flip cover that is waterproof and you place an insert inside. When baby goes to the bathroom you just take out the insert and replace it with a new one. The shell is easily cleaned out if anything spills over. I am excited to start using these and I will tell you how it goes...we just have to wait until Mona weighs enough for them.
I have absolutely LOVED cloth diapers. They are so easy, surprisingly. And they will be a great money-saver in the long run. They don't stink like disposables do and they really do clean up so well. My husband doesn't even mind changing them and that is partly due to our awesome diaper sprayer we have connected to our toilet.
We will also be using the Flip system when Miss Mona decides to gain a few pounds. This system is awesome. It goes from 7-35 lbs. (I thought I would just go with this system only but when we found out that Mona Jean was going to be a little munchkin we decided to get some Happy Heinys and I am so glad we did!) We hope to use these until Mona decides to potty train. They come with the Flip cover that is waterproof and you place an insert inside. When baby goes to the bathroom you just take out the insert and replace it with a new one. The shell is easily cleaned out if anything spills over. I am excited to start using these and I will tell you how it goes...we just have to wait until Mona weighs enough for them.
I have absolutely LOVED cloth diapers. They are so easy, surprisingly. And they will be a great money-saver in the long run. They don't stink like disposables do and they really do clean up so well. My husband doesn't even mind changing them and that is partly due to our awesome diaper sprayer we have connected to our toilet.
Here are some links I promised earlier:
A basic rundown of why people use cloth diapers is found here.
Here is a rundown of how you do it.
Here is a link of many frequently asked questions for your further understanding of how all this hippie stuff works :)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Magic of Swaddling
One of my very favorite baby products are my Aden + Anais swaddling blankets. They are a MUST HAVE for newborns and my 9 month old still snuggles up in hers every night. These Aden + Anais blankets are super thin and breathable, but are still able to keep baby really warm in the winter. This is a big plus because overheating is linked to SIDS as one of the possible leading causes.
With Aden + Anais, you're in good company too--or at least rich and generally good looking company! :) Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Patrick Dempsey, Naomi Watts, Gwen Stefani, Jason Priestley, Minnie Driver, Jessica Alba and Isla Fisher are all big fans of Aden + Anais cozy swaddle blankets too (to name a few). Once you see one for yourself, you will understand why these celeb parents have made Aden + Anais muslin wraps a staple accessory!
Swaddling seriously is essential to getting your baby to sleep through the night. These swaddling blankets make that a lot easier. They are big, enabling you to swaddle your baby tightly and easily. This also enables the blanket to grow with your baby. When you have a tiny newborn, you can fold the blanket in half in a full triangle. As they grow you can expand it into more of a diamond shape. It is truly the most wonderful swaddling blanket. They come in a great variety of cute colors and designs too. I think my favorite might be the giraffes. :) These swaddling blankets are probably my #1 baby necessity that I would not be without.
$$ Saving TIP for Aden + Anais: These blankets are a bit expensive, but I truly think they're worth it. To purchase a 4 pack it is around $40.00. To make it a little cheaper, break them up. Share with friends or give away for showers. I'd recommend having two, so that if one is dirty the other one can be used; but even one would be enough! Also, Target sells Aden + Anais for a reduced price. They are a little different than their usual blankets, but still do the trick. They're a couple of inches smaller, but are still great. Target used to sell them in their stores, but they may only be available online these days. These reduced price blankets are available only at Target.
Why is swaddling so great? Your baby just came out of an itty bitty space where he or she was snug and warm and could hardly move at all. Being swaddled makes them feel more like they are back in that comfortable space that they loved. I hear all the time, "But my baby doesn't like being swaddled" or "But my baby doesn't like to have her arms swaddled down." As far as newborns go, I don't think this is true in any situation. (But that's just my opinion.) Yes, I think that 99% of babies will fight the swaddle, especially the arms. However, I also think they'll all sleep better and be more comfortable if you just SWADDLE THEM ANYWAY, arms and all. Just do it, I tell you, JUST DO IT! :)
How to swaddle?
These are the instructions included with the Aden + Anais swaddlers. These instructions are pretty much what I follow, however I have learned a few other tricks that I prefer to do. First of all when I wrap the first side (left point under right side of body), I do not swaddle the arm down. I think that tucking the blanket under the armpit and then under the body with the arm over the top helps it to stay tight. The bottom then is folded up and tucked under the body on the side that you have not yet wrapped (under the right side of the body). The second side then wraps over both arms and holds them both down tight (right point under the left side of the body) and tucked securely under the whole body. The wrap does not cover the shoulders--this was one of my biggest confusions with swaddling at first. The shoulders lie square with the blanket and the blanket wraps around the side of the shoulders and arms, not over the top of the shoulders at all.
When to swaddle? Swaddling always helps baby to sleep better. However, if you really want your baby to get used to sleeping through the night, it is best NOT to swaddle baby at nap time. Bedtime needs to be very different from nap time. At nap time we don't darken the room or hush the house, we also shouldn't swaddle. That way baby learns there is a difference between nap time and bedtime and they learn that bedtime is the time to relax and sleep for a long time.
When to stop swaddling? I don't know! I'll let you know when I get there. :) But here are my thoughts...I plan to swaddle my baby to a year (at least) although I am not certain if it is still completely necessary. My baby usually pulls her arms out of her swaddle pretty quickly, especially if she isn't completely ready to fall asleep immediately. Sometimes she is completely unswaddled when I go in to get her in the morning. I am sure she'd be fine if I just swaddled her under her armpits instead of swaddling her arms down these days. I do think that swaddling the arms down is essential for newborns. This will greatly help simulate the womb much better than not. But as your little one adjusts to living in this not-so-comforting world, I think you as a parent can determine at what point your baby will sleep just as well without his or her arms swaddled down.
I am sure that sooner or later I will stop swaddling my baby, but for now, it is still working well for us! What I do know, is that even when we're done swaddling, she'll still be loving and snuggling with her Aden + Anais! :)
With Aden + Anais, you're in good company too--or at least rich and generally good looking company! :) Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Patrick Dempsey, Naomi Watts, Gwen Stefani, Jason Priestley, Minnie Driver, Jessica Alba and Isla Fisher are all big fans of Aden + Anais cozy swaddle blankets too (to name a few). Once you see one for yourself, you will understand why these celeb parents have made Aden + Anais muslin wraps a staple accessory!
Swaddling seriously is essential to getting your baby to sleep through the night. These swaddling blankets make that a lot easier. They are big, enabling you to swaddle your baby tightly and easily. This also enables the blanket to grow with your baby. When you have a tiny newborn, you can fold the blanket in half in a full triangle. As they grow you can expand it into more of a diamond shape. It is truly the most wonderful swaddling blanket. They come in a great variety of cute colors and designs too. I think my favorite might be the giraffes. :) These swaddling blankets are probably my #1 baby necessity that I would not be without.
$$ Saving TIP for Aden + Anais: These blankets are a bit expensive, but I truly think they're worth it. To purchase a 4 pack it is around $40.00. To make it a little cheaper, break them up. Share with friends or give away for showers. I'd recommend having two, so that if one is dirty the other one can be used; but even one would be enough! Also, Target sells Aden + Anais for a reduced price. They are a little different than their usual blankets, but still do the trick. They're a couple of inches smaller, but are still great. Target used to sell them in their stores, but they may only be available online these days. These reduced price blankets are available only at Target.
(My opinion and what I know about swaddling...)Why is swaddling so great? Your baby just came out of an itty bitty space where he or she was snug and warm and could hardly move at all. Being swaddled makes them feel more like they are back in that comfortable space that they loved. I hear all the time, "But my baby doesn't like being swaddled" or "But my baby doesn't like to have her arms swaddled down." As far as newborns go, I don't think this is true in any situation. (But that's just my opinion.) Yes, I think that 99% of babies will fight the swaddle, especially the arms. However, I also think they'll all sleep better and be more comfortable if you just SWADDLE THEM ANYWAY, arms and all. Just do it, I tell you, JUST DO IT! :)
How to swaddle?
These are the instructions included with the Aden + Anais swaddlers. These instructions are pretty much what I follow, however I have learned a few other tricks that I prefer to do. First of all when I wrap the first side (left point under right side of body), I do not swaddle the arm down. I think that tucking the blanket under the armpit and then under the body with the arm over the top helps it to stay tight. The bottom then is folded up and tucked under the body on the side that you have not yet wrapped (under the right side of the body). The second side then wraps over both arms and holds them both down tight (right point under the left side of the body) and tucked securely under the whole body. The wrap does not cover the shoulders--this was one of my biggest confusions with swaddling at first. The shoulders lie square with the blanket and the blanket wraps around the side of the shoulders and arms, not over the top of the shoulders at all.
When to swaddle? Swaddling always helps baby to sleep better. However, if you really want your baby to get used to sleeping through the night, it is best NOT to swaddle baby at nap time. Bedtime needs to be very different from nap time. At nap time we don't darken the room or hush the house, we also shouldn't swaddle. That way baby learns there is a difference between nap time and bedtime and they learn that bedtime is the time to relax and sleep for a long time.
When to stop swaddling? I don't know! I'll let you know when I get there. :) But here are my thoughts...I plan to swaddle my baby to a year (at least) although I am not certain if it is still completely necessary. My baby usually pulls her arms out of her swaddle pretty quickly, especially if she isn't completely ready to fall asleep immediately. Sometimes she is completely unswaddled when I go in to get her in the morning. I am sure she'd be fine if I just swaddled her under her armpits instead of swaddling her arms down these days. I do think that swaddling the arms down is essential for newborns. This will greatly help simulate the womb much better than not. But as your little one adjusts to living in this not-so-comforting world, I think you as a parent can determine at what point your baby will sleep just as well without his or her arms swaddled down.
I am sure that sooner or later I will stop swaddling my baby, but for now, it is still working well for us! What I do know, is that even when we're done swaddling, she'll still be loving and snuggling with her Aden + Anais! :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Homemade Baby Food
If you are interested in making your own baby food I found this great blog that could help.
I haven't actually done it yet...but I have definitely thought about it.
If you try it out, let us all know how it goes.
If you try it out, let us all know how it goes.
Mama Bargains
I found this really awesome website that has great deals for Moms. They only post one product on at a time. As soon as that product is gone then they have a new one. Everything is 40% to 80% off retail price. Check it out, you might like it.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Nuk--the only way to go
I am a nursing mom and had an extremely difficult time getting my baby to adjust to using a bottle. While I still nurse, I wanted the freedom of leaving her home for a few hours without having to worry about her starving. At first she absolutely refused to take a bottle; but finally she came around to the idea with much persuading.
For a nursing mother, I think Nuk bottles are the only way to go. To prevent nipple confusion (especially with very young babies), the Nuk nipple is the most like the breast. Because of that, it is also easier for them to latch onto if they're used to nursing. Another great benefit to the Nuk nipple is that it has an air ventilation system that lets the air out, greatly reducing gas and colic. (Not to mention that it comes in silicone which--again--I find to seem so much more clean.)
Here are some of the other benefits they list for their product:
Unique orthodontic nipple reduces Colic & promotes healthy teeth formation. Simulates & supports breastfeeding. Wider base, more like mother's breast. Feeding hole positioning so milk mixes with saliva for good digestion. Flat side reinforces correct tongue position. Unique orthodontic nipple reduces colic and promotes healthy teeth formation. "Nuk® Air System" vent to reduce colic. Upper face is convex to stimulate correct palate development. 0+ months. Slow, Medium, and Fast Flow available. Silicone nipple.
I also recommend Nuk's sippy cup--it's great for transitioning out of the bottle phase. You can also buy just the nipple and it can slip right onto the bottles you already have to turn your bottle into a sippy cup! :)
NUK's Learner Cups will help you transition baby from breast or bottle to cup with ease. The parts are interchangeable to make it easy to mix and match and expand as your baby grows.
For a nursing mother, I think Nuk bottles are the only way to go. To prevent nipple confusion (especially with very young babies), the Nuk nipple is the most like the breast. Because of that, it is also easier for them to latch onto if they're used to nursing. Another great benefit to the Nuk nipple is that it has an air ventilation system that lets the air out, greatly reducing gas and colic. (Not to mention that it comes in silicone which--again--I find to seem so much more clean.)
I've received a lot of hand-me-downs from my sisters and with them came about a million Avent bottles. I could not get my baby to latch onto these but I was bummed about having to buy all new bottles. Luckily I discovered that I could still use the Avent bottles and just buy the Nuk nipples to fit on them. If my baby pulls on the nipple it's more likely to pop out than if it were a perfect fit, but it works fine. Nuk also sells the smaller size ones that would fit on regular bottles too--although I prefer the wide ones because they're more like the breast.
When my baby was tiny though, I would pump and feed her out of the pump's smaller bottles and was able to find Nuk nipples for those too (and even received some free ones with free samples of formula I received in the mail). These days my baby isn't so picky and will take whatever I give her. I was at my mom's house the other day and all she had was an Avent bottle and some no-name bottle. I've tried both. While my baby takes them fine I was shocked at how much more fussy and gassy she was afterwards due to the lack of ventilation (therefore causing her to swallow more air). Nuk really does make the best bottle!
For a newborn baby I'd probably recommend the SLOW FLOW nipples (I'm not sure if those come in the wider silicone variety, I only have the thinner latex ones of those), but soon your baby will be able to adjust to the MEDIUM FLOW (which is what my baby still uses at almost 9 months). I have the fast flow nipples but they're still to fast for my baby and she doesn't like that she hardly has to suck to get out the milk.Here are some of the other benefits they list for their product:
Unique orthodontic nipple reduces Colic & promotes healthy teeth formation. Simulates & supports breastfeeding. Wider base, more like mother's breast. Feeding hole positioning so milk mixes with saliva for good digestion. Flat side reinforces correct tongue position. Unique orthodontic nipple reduces colic and promotes healthy teeth formation. "Nuk® Air System" vent to reduce colic. Upper face is convex to stimulate correct palate development. 0+ months. Slow, Medium, and Fast Flow available. Silicone nipple.
I also recommend Nuk's sippy cup--it's great for transitioning out of the bottle phase. You can also buy just the nipple and it can slip right onto the bottles you already have to turn your bottle into a sippy cup! :)
NUK's Learner Cups will help you transition baby from breast or bottle to cup with ease. The parts are interchangeable to make it easy to mix and match and expand as your baby grows.
- Spill proof for out and about
- The special shape and natural softness optimally supports the transition from bottle to cup
- Extra soft spout made of natural latex or silicone
- NUK® ANTI-COLIC AIR SYSTEM® minimizes the swallowing of air
My girl LOVES that Nuk! :)
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